How to Choose The Best Orthopedic Surgeon in The Greater Mesquite, NV Area


How to Choose The Best Orthopedic Surgeon in The Greater Mesquite, NV Area

The Knee and Shoulder Institute operates under the guidance of Dr. Steven C. Thomas and Dr. Gregory T. Bigler and is equipped to offer patients

Posted in Knee & Shoulder Treatments

How to Choose The Best Orthopedic Surgeon in The Greater Lake Havasu, NV Area

The practice of Dr. Steven C. Thomas and Dr. Gregory T. Bigler, The Knee and Shoulder Institute is equipped to offer patients with advanced orthopedic

Posted in Knee & Shoulder Treatments

How to Choose The Best Orthopedic Surgeon in The Greater Bullhead City, NV Area

Most orthopedic procedures, especially orthopedic surgeries, are intricate and complex. It is important for the orthopedic surgeon to have a detailed understanding of the underlying

Posted in Knee & Shoulder Treatments

How to Choose The Best Orthopedic Surgeon in The Greater Pahrump, NV Area

Orthopedic surgery is an advanced and complex procedure that should only be performed by a highly skilled and dependable orthopedic surgeon. Thomas & Bigler Knee

Posted in Knee & Shoulder Treatments

Is Knee Osteoarthritis Curable?

There is no known cure for osteoarthritis (OA). However, there are things that a person can do to make a difference in how OA impacts

Posted in Knee & Shoulder Treatments

Osteoarthritis of The Knee Treatment

Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee occurs when the cartilage in the knee joint breaks down, causing an overgrowth of the bone beneath. The cartilage becomes

Posted in Knee & Shoulder Treatments

Osteoarthritis of The Knee Diagnosis

The symptoms of early stage osteoarthritis (OA) may not be noticeable to an individual. If a person experiences knee pain, the physician will ask them

Posted in Knee & Shoulder Treatments

Osteoarthritis of The Knee

Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee impacts the cartilage, the bones, and the synovium in the knee joint. Cartilage refers to a slippery tissue that offers

Posted in Knee & Shoulder Treatments

What are the stages of osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis (OA) is categorized into five stages. Stage 0 represents a normal, healthy knee, while the highest stage, 4, represents severe OA. OA that has

Posted in Knee & Shoulder Treatments

Can osteoarthritis cripple you?

Osteoarthritis (OA) can be crippling if untreated as it disintegrates the cartilage that supports the joints of the spine, knees, hands, and spine. This causes

Posted in Knee & Shoulder Treatments