Shoulder Tendonitis


Shoulder Tendonitis

Shoulder tendonitis is a degenerative affliction that impacts any of the tendons surrounding the shoulder joint. In general, the condition affects the rotator cuff tendons,

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Posted in Knee & Shoulder Treatments

Proximal Humerus Growth Plate Fracture

A growth plate fracture in case of children occurs at the end of a bone before the bone has fully matured from cartilage to hard

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Shoulder Subluxation

When the shoulder partially dislocates, shoulder subluxation or shoulder instability may occur. The large range of movement in the shoulder makes it vulnerable to dislocation.

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Bruised Collarbone

A bruised collarbone, clinically known as a clavicle contusion, occurs following a direct impact to the collar bone at the front of the shoulder or

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Deltoid Muscle Strain

What is a Deltoid Muscle Strain? The deltoid muscle is the large muscle on the shoulder and has three parts: the anterior, posterior and the

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Winged Scapula

What is a Winged Scapula? Winged scapula is not an injury in itself, but a symptom of another condition. It occurs where the shoulder blade

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Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

What is Shoulder Impingement Syndrome (swimmer’s shoulder)? Shoulder impingement syndrome, commonly known as a swimmer’s shoulder or thrower’s shoulder occurs when the tendons of the

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Frozen Shoulder

Adhesive capsulitis, commonly known as frozen shoulder, is condition that restricts the shoulder joint movement and causes pain. A frozen shoulder will go through three

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AC Joint Separation

An AC joint separation is an injury to the ligament that holds the acromioclavicular (AC) joint together at the top of the shoulder. A common

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Dislocated Shoulder Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

A dislocated shoulder is a traumatic and painful injury, typically caused due to a fall or during contact sports. In a dislocated shoulder condition, the

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